Chapter 27: Love You to Death

16 Feb

Wow that sounded awesome, why had we not done this song before now?” Zac asked pretty much being a smart ass, his older brothers smiled.

OK what else do we wanna do?” Taylor asked when Zac spoke up “What about ‘Lucy’?”

NO!” Isaac snapped his anger setting shockingly fast “I can’t believe you would even…”

Ike, Chill out!” Taylor said “I can handle it OK?” he added

Tay No! The fans don’t know anything and you don’t need to be getting upset tonight.” Isaac stated as he picked up the strap from his guitar case.

You know as far as I’ve come, you’d think I can handle a song that has nothing to do with that.” Taylor fired back watching the dangerous expression on Isaac’s face as he shot and even more challenging look. Isaac was apparently getting the message as he said

You know lets just do a run through, cause if its going to bother you we won’t do it. But if it does we’ll change to ‘Thinking of You’”

Taylor nodded toying with the harmonica in his hand, Isaac counted them in as they started the song.

Though he listen and sang along, Taylor mostly tried to keep in time with the music, so far it wasn’t bothering him. He knew he would be OK, he mainly just wanted to prove it, as Zac finished the song, they sat there for a few minutes in silence as Isaac said “Are you sure you want to do this song?”

Absolutely, I mean its been a favorite with the fans for years.” He said Isaac sighed and nodded.

Just as long as you’re sure.” He said as he got up and caressed Taylor’s cheek. He only smiled as they heard the sound of a fake gag.

What are you 12 again?”Taylor said as they heard the doors open an saw their wives and kids enter.

Daddy!” Penny said as she ran as fast as her little feet could carry her. Taylor giggled as he pulled her up into his lap hugging her.

Taylor smiled as the two finally had a moment alone, without a single word, Isaac came in meeting for a deep kiss. As they kept their pace Taylor stopped to breathe as Isaac littered his neck as he pulled away Taylor’s shirt, as their eyes connected Taylor pulled away Isaac’s as they continued there relentless assault on each others lips as they both would stop occasionally for a quick breath.

Oh shoot.” Nikki said as she searched her purse for her keys.

Whats wrong?” Kate asked as she held little Everette who was fussing for a bottle.

I left his diaper bag out in the car and I can’t find my keys!” she said as she walked out of the room to find Isaac. She walked to the dressing room where she knew he was hiding. As she walk to the door not thinking of knocking she froze at the sight of her husband and brother-in-law both shirtless and making out, Taylor sitting up on a vanity his legs wrapped lazily around Isaac’s waist as he sits there panting.

Nikki quietly pulls the door too as she stand there with her hand over her mouth trying to recover from what she had just seen. She hurried back to where Kate and Natalie had been, when she return she spied her keys on Isaac’s chair.

You know I can’t believe I left these here after all this time?” she said with a slight laugh as she hurried out to the car she paused for a moment when she found her car trying to collect her thoughts. Her mind had gone back to a conversation Isaac had told her about something between he and Taylor. She had always known the two to be really close, had this what he had been trying to explain? ‘No’ she thought differing the mental image burned in to her head. She hadn’t seen anything, it was all in her head what she had just seen. She reached in grabbing the diaper bag checking for a bottle, she gave a smile finding a full one and head inside.

The second crowd had been a good size one just like the last, many devoted fans had come as they always had over the past several years. They had just finished up ‘A Minute Without You’ and were getting ready for ‘Lucy’ as Taylor smiled listening to Isaac’s memory of how he wrote Minute Without You. “Ike this is Lucy” the older man smiled as she shot a nervous look to him “Sorry” Isaac said as he counted them in Taylor playing the chords and Zac started.

He had been doing great until the final verse came in when his memories decided to be cruel to him.

He held tight to the fact he was surrounded by unsuspecting fans and he kept it together. He shook off the tears that wanted to fall as he quickly rebounded, the band decided to go into “Wheres the love” first verse and chorus acappella style and finish the rest of the song as it had been written. He was still wanting to fight his tears as he finished out the evening with his personal favorite song “I Will Come To You”

It had seemed that the few simple tinkling of the keys of the song Taylor felt a familiar comfort seem to wrap around him as he began to sing he let his emotions take over. He sighed happily at the end as he felt his spirits rise, as the band said good night exited I hit Isaac when they hadn’t done ‘Man From Milwaukee” He smiled as they walked back out, “We almost for got the song that the album was named for!” Zac said with a laugh as the fans around him joined in.

Zac went into his whole play about Mil-ay-wau-kay, the Algonquins, and the good land known as ‘Albertane’ Taylor was sure his sides weren’t the only ones hurting when the song finally started.

Zac picked fun at Isaac calling him out in the song as wacky. As he did his infamous ‘Mother bird and Baby bird ‘ megaphone conversation Taylor laughed, he had always loved that part not matter what. They finally stepped out of the room, and return shortly after they were sure the cameras were cut off to take pictures and sign autographs. He later dodged a bullet when a fan asked why he seemed so sad after playing Lucy “I had a very dear friend who past away a couple of years ago and that song made me think of her.”

Isaac had been scurrying around the small house pretty much since the crack of dawn, he was fixing the house up but his main key was the bed room. As he walked through the kitchen he realized a collection of papers were still on the bar, He quickly gathered them stowing them in the very back of the closet.

After making sure they were well hidden Isaac hurried to try to fix dinner, it was their 9th year anniversary. Isaac reached up rubbing his shoulder, it had been sore for the past few days but actually had been a bother for the past few months and was starting to concern him. He shook it off as he heard the door open, and smiled as he walked to the door.

“Hey beautiful, I was beginning to wonder about you” He said slipping his arms around Taylor’s waist his husband smiled as he met him for a kiss. “Yeah sorry, River didn’t want me to leave” Isaac chuckled as he slipped his arm around Taylor as they walked back into the kitchen. Taylor sat down at the bar enjoying the smell of dinner as he asked “Oh My God, that smells so good.”

Its your favorite!” Isaac smiled as he stole a kiss from Taylor

Oh! You know I love your cooking” He said as he got up walking around meeting him for another kiss, he stood at Isaac’s side, His arms around him with Isaac’s arm around his shoulders. Isaac kissed his head as he slipped other arm around him. He hissed letting go as he reached up to his shoulder, Taylor looked up at him worried as he asked “Is your shoulder still bothering you?” Isaac nodded as he walked up behind him and began to rub it. Isaac smiled as some of of his pain eased off, Taylor kissed his shoulder as he rested his head against it.

Isaac smiled as they stood in their bed room, dinner finished in and the kitchen left until in the morning. Taylor wrapped up in his arms, his head on Isaac’s chest, when looked up the two met for a kiss. He was dizzy and lighted as Isaac pulled away, He panted as he pulled Isaac back down for a series of kisses as Isaac backed him to the bed carefully laying him down. Taylor was lost in the passion as Isaac began to remove his shirt, the two locked eyes as the resumed kissing. Taylor pulled away his shirt, as Isaac kissed his way down Taylor’s chest and stomach. He stopped as he kissed his stomach again, he looked up, as Taylor said.

I want to give you another baby, we can’t right now but when we can slow things down, I promise I will.” Isaac smiled as he met Taylor for another kiss stripping the remainder of his clothing. Taylor decide to change things up as he found himself on top of Isaac kissing his way down as he had just done to him. Taylor teased him as he unbuttoned Isaac’s jeans with his teeth, then stripped them away with Isaac’s boxers. Taylor continued his kissing as he bit his lip at the end of his trail, a wicked grin sweeps across his lips as he begins to play, Isaac moans at the little surprise.

Holy.. Oh God Taylor!” He cries as he feels his release hit full tilt. Taylor giggles as he crawls up to him. Their make out session resumes as Isaac’s hand snakes beneath the waistband of Taylor’s boxers, he slipped them down just enough. Taylor yelped at where the older mans hand went and continued to tease him back for the special treat he had been given. Isaac sat up, slipping his arm around Taylor as he lean forward laying him on his back continued to tease as Taylor moan and cried at the rough fingers.

Isaac stripped Taylor of his jeans and clothing as he whimpered when the teasing stopped, his fingers delicately running up to Taylor’s knees as he parted them slipping between the slender thighs of the body beneath begging for him. Isaac looked into Taylor’s eyes as he saw the want and need deep within. Isaac smiled as he teased Taylor he whimpered and moaned at it, Isaac let go of a long deep moan as he finally entered. Taylor began to sob at the beautiful sensation coursing through his body as Isaac lean forward kissing his neck. He smiled as Taylor began crying his name as he picked up his pace , His pace became furious as he felt his release mounting again, Isaac gave a deep moan as he finally hit and collapsed against the 24 year old. They lay there together letting their hearts calm down. Taylor watched him as he slowly started to fall a sleep, for some reason he felt like this was a crucial moment for them. He didn’t know why a fear about Isaac was creeping over him, it was scaring him as he lay there looking down at Isaac letting his tears fall.

After finishing up their show in Dallas, Isaac’s arm was still hurting him and had seemed to get worse over the past 24 hours. Taylor was beginning to get that same fear from a few days ago in Monicera, Isaac was stretched out on the couch, his head in Nikki’s lap. He hissed as he said “I don’t know which is worse, my arm or my chest.”

This simple statement threw a red flag up at Kate as she croutched next to him as she asked. “Isaac does your chest feel heavy?” He winced at the pain not answering her question as she asked him another “Can you breathe Ike?” Isaac shook his head. She hurried up the their roadie Matt as she said “Find a hospital quick!”

Whats going on with him?” Nikki asked as a panic started to seep in to her.

That sounds dangerously similar to a heart attack, Natalie where is the aspirin?” Kate said watching a fear spread across the woman’s face, she took her hand trying to calm her as Natalie raced over with the bottle of aspirin and another of water. Kate looked back at Isaac who’s eyes were closed she began to lightly shake him to get him to take the Tylenol in her hand. He wasn’t responding, Without warning Kate grabbed him pulling him into the floor. “Zac Help me he’s not breathing!” She said as her husband raced to her side, Nikki got up sobbing as she ran to the back of the bus slamming into Taylor who sensed her fear.

Nikki, whats going on?”

Isaac’s not breathing, Kate thinks he’s having a heart attack”

Are we on away to a hospital?!” Nikki nodded as she sobbed against his chest, Taylor fought to keep his own tears from falling as he tried to comfort her. The bus came to a screeching halt out side the hospital as the two hurried to the front. Taylor watched Zac scoop Isaac up off the floor as he carried him out the door, as Natalie followed him.

Come on sweetheart, we need to get the kids.” Kate said as she rubbed Nikki’s back. The two started to wake up Ezra and Penny, Becca picked up River as Nikki picked up Everette, when she started to cry holding the infant who looked just like his father. Taylor calmed her down as he offered to take his nephew.

The four hurried inside with the kids in arms, Zac was on the phone to his parents when a doctor rushed over to talk to the family.

Has Isaac ever done any kind of drugs?”

No, he’s never done that, he lights up a clove or cigar once in a while but other than that no” Nikki said as the doctor rattled off another question.

Has he been on any kind of strong antibiotic of sorts?” Taylor’s ears perked up when as his mind flashed back to Isaac’s appendicitis years ago.

No” Nikki said when Taylor responded quickly

Yes, He got really sick a few years ago, they warned would cause blood clots later on, an infection got into his blood”

Amberfol, it can cause blood clots if given in large quantities.” the doctor said as he asked

Do you know how much he was given?” Taylor shook his head, he had been out of the room when it had been administered to him. The doctor nodded as he thanked him and hurried back into the room where Isaac had been taken, He turn to sit back down with Everette still sleeping in his arms.

Taylor what happen?” Nikki asked as her son now lay sleeping still in her arms, as she sat down in the chair next to him. He looked at her curious when it struck him what she meant, as he said.

The Infection?” Nikki nodded as she listen closely

His appendix ruptured several years ago, no one knew until I went to wake him up the next morning. When it ruptured it tore a small blood vessel but it didn’t make him bleed out which is what was so odd.” He said trying to remember.

He had only closed his eyes for a second when something woke him up scared, the waiting room was empty all but him. Taylor got up and stepped out side into the hallway, the nurses station was empty, He started to walk down the hallway calling out to Natalie, Kate, Nikki, Zac, His parents or siblings. It all just echoed on, He walked through a door and froze at the sight in front of him.

Dammit! He’s loosing too much blood!” the doctor snapped as Taylor watched him work feverishly on his soul mate, he felt his heart shattering piece by piece as blood began to drip off Isaac’s hand and fingers.

HE’S CRASHING!” A nurse shouted, Taylor felt tears sting his eyes as he sank into a corner he had backed into as he listen the monitor flat line.

Taylor woke up with a start as his chest heaved the room was full of his family and a few other people, He got up and hurried over to Natalie with little River still asleep, Kate had lay a blanket in the floor for Ezra as Penny slept in her arms.

Have you guys heard anything?” He asked as Natalie noticed the scared look in his eyes. Just as she started to respond, one of the nurses for his nightmare called their name. Everyone got up, and Becca scooped up Ezra as she hurried over.

Isaac made it through just fine, we had a slight issue with some bleeding but it was just a small issue and repaired quickly. He’s in a room and just beginning to come out from the anesthesia, if you would like to go back you can but only two at a time please.”

Taylor let out a sigh of relief as Natalie looked at him, she pulled him to the side as she asked.

What happen? Did you have a dream Isaac almost died?” Taylor only nodded as he said “Emphasis on Almost… he was losing too much blood” her jaw dropped as she said “Do you know that saved his life?”

1 Comment

Posted by on 02/16/2010 in The Winding Road


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One response to “Chapter 27: Love You to Death

  1. Becca

    02/18/2010 at 11:39 pm

    This chapter really hit me hard, I was at that Dallas show and just thinking about it gives me chills. I was at the one this year where he talked about everything and I ended up in tears! Good chapter!


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